Friday, July 4, 2008

The Roaring 20's

Dorothy Tenney Seligman

This photo was taken of my Grandma in 1920. Some say I look like her - personally I don't see the resemblance until much later in life.

I definitely think she was beautiful! A true classic of her era.


dardvl said...

Wow, i don't think I've ever seen this photo. This is really great. Keep posting.

Mason Fleske said...

Sweet hairdo!

USNA Ancient said...

Your Grandmother was a full Buyer [Infants' and Childrens' Wear] at Kauffman's Department Store in Pittsburgh at 16 ! [What goes around ... The bike team Todd and I set up and toured with did a show with John Shaw's Parade Co.[one of several we did with his co. -Todd was probably the first to ride a full ramp on a float in a parade with John ... he'd try almost anything we dreamed up- in Pittsburgh sponsored by Kauffman's ... it was particularly memorable because Todd and Mark got to meet one of my best friends from my Customs Hq. days ... we had lunch with Sid Fowler, the retired Canadian Customs Attache' at their Embassy.

Anyhow, I digress as usual. She went from Kauffman's to Stewarts in B'more, where she met your Grandfather and later to Lansburgh's [where Sara Frankel was her assistant and she met Bobby who was also a buyer and Hecht's in DC].

Somewhere I have an article from a NY hotel's newsletter with an article dating from the early '30s mentioning that the husband & wife team of buyers from DC made their hotel home during their buying trips.

USNA Ancient said...

WOW ! Talk about serendipity, fortuitous [isn't that a character in "Hamlet" ? ... (;o} ...] circumstance, etc., I just realized you started this blog & posted the 1920 pic of her on the 21st Anniversary of her death. I have absolutely no idea what significance this has, but if anyone in the remains of this family is as superstitious as she was ... I suppose they can make of it what they will !

Seligman Past said...

Very eerie if you ask me!

USNA Ancient said...

Hello ! Anyone there ?