Going to try to finish the introductions of family to family today as I don't know when I will get a chance to continue with the blog.
So.... moving to the "middle child" Tiffani and her daughter Athena....Tiffani was certainly blessed when she had this little girl. Athena is full of wisdom far beyond her 9 years. She is a kind and loving child who is quite shy at first but once she warms up to you she is funny and social. Athena knows how to be a child when she is with her friends, but also can be quite adult when the situation calls. I sometimes say she is 9 going on 25.

Miss Athena is off to a great start of being an accomplished violinist. This photo was taken at her last recital. She played so beautifully that day. In fact she plays so well that she was chosen to play in a group of much older students and her instructor for one piece. I was busting with pride that day!
Athena also loves ballet. This photo was also taken at this year's recital. There were lots of family and friends to see her dance. I know Nana's are supposed to brag, but everyone else said she was the BEST too! She was so graceful - she nearly floated across the stage!
I LOVE that photo of Athena and her glasses!!! You're right in that she is older than her years!
Ryan walked away from his two boys just like he did is little girl years ago. He made that choice. Family is not about what you can buy it is what you give from the heart.
so true.. "Mom", Ryan not only walked away from his first child (daughter), he DUMPED her on the side of highway 68 without a coat, or anything... slammed on the brakes,, and DUMPED her out. We ended up with a bag of diapers and enough clothes to fill the diaper bag.
anyone else that's still reading...
And as far as they have all been searching and searching for for Caitlyn..B.S. the home I grew up in since 1984 is still there, with my parents still there, the same phone number since 1984 is STILL the same.. and I lived 2 blocks from there.
so - that's a lie too.
as far as Ryan finally finding someone so fab.. I'm truly excited and happy about that,everyone deserves to find happiness, but still the "others" weren't bad, take a look at who did the leaving and more earth populating. If you can't pay for the ones you created years ago -why just spawn more? Lord knows you aren't contributing anything to your FIRST child despite what the court ordered.
I have ONE child.. ONE. and that's the one HE dumped and would not see ever. I devoted my life to her only because NO ONE ELSE WOULD, and because I truly care and love her.
She has BEGGED me to change her name, because she does NOT want to be a FANNAN anymore!
Her 1st name will be changed in 2 months permanently btw.
Oh and I see that he named his newest creation after another ex girlfriend too.. Nichole.. that was a live in girlfriend he was with for a long time. Just like Caitlyn was named after an ex - Katie from Spring HIll.
little did I know - until AFTER he named her.
like I said - her name will be permanently changed in 2 months.
You all have missed out on a dynamic person. Caitlyn is wonderful, artistic, gifted (skipped grades - already into college classes) and actually has morals and a HUGE heart. More than I can say for those out there who date CHILD MOLESTERS (not naming any names but you know who you are!!!!!!)
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