Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I feel that I need to apologize for this blog not being in chronological order.
As Lee sends the scans, they spark a memory or an emotion and that is where the photos end up - totally out of sequence.

Realize that I too am seeing a great many of these pictures for the first time. I just feel the need to share them as quickly as possible before time slips away and they end up buried on my hard drive

1 comment:

USNA Ancient said...

Apologize for nothing; deny everything ... oh, I'm sorry ... that's george dubya shrub's motto.

"You're doin' a heck of a job ...," Kiddo [hmmm, unintentionally, that sounds like our infamous resident again in N.O. after Katrina. Anyhow, it is a GRRRREAT thing you're doing.