Back and forth in history - no matter, I am trying to put the dates with the photos. Besides, I want to try to remember to post them as I get them.
Damn I was an ugly baby! I wonder what that blotch is on the side of my face - looks icky! Anyway, I never did take a good picture except for the ones where I was newborn!
That's my Grandma Seligman holding me and if you look toward the floor on the right, that's my brother Eric. Must have been early morning or nearly bedtime as you can see, we are dressed in our Dr. Dentons.
Everyone called my brother Ricky. I think to this day that I am the only one who called him Eric.
If this photo was taken in Edgewater, then it must have been inside the home of my Aunt Bobby and Uncle Selly. They were not "blood" relatives, but rather very close friends of the family. Back then close friends were called "Aunt" and "Uncle". Sort of like in the South were children still call their elders "Miss" or "Mr" and then their first name.
I wish I could see my brother's face better, I don't remember seeing too many photos of him as a child. Although we are estranged, he is still my brother and I still love him.
Where did this one come from ... not me, did it? Anyhow, I think this is your house in Edgewater [the picture [print repro] was your parents' ... the "blotch" was just you ... it would just pop up occasionally ! Damn, I'm good !
I remember my dad always had this picture of him and Brutus in a frame on the credenza since I was a little kid.
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