Since my mother was over eight years old when my Uncle Lee was born, I think there are probably not a great deal of photos of them together as children. Anyway, these are two that Lee sent to me.
The one with Lee in the basket with Mom looking down at him was taken at the house on 16th Street in 1938 (at least it looks like the same house).
The other was taken in 1939 at the creek near the cottage of Aunt Bobby and Uncle Selly. That's my mother holding up Lee (or was she thinking of drowning him - hehe) and Aunt Bobby in the background.
That's about all I know about these. Did I mention how much fun I am having sharing these with anyone interested? Todd and Mark, I do this blog not only for my children and their children and any more generations to come, but rather I do it for you two as well - so you will know and pass on your heritage. Have you noticed that as a baby your Dad had more hair than he ever had as an adult (dig-dig!)?
OMG I had to laugh at the bow in Mom's hair and I can remember them making me wear a STUPID bathing cap like the one she is wearing in the other photo. Damn those things hurt your head - not to mention why did the girls have to wear them and the boys not? Discrimination?
Don't hold me to it, but I think [and don't ask why] this was at Auntie's house [rented] in Hyattsville, MD. Afterward, she lived on Park Rd., between 16th & 14th St. That's the first place I remember and "Mama" and Grandpa Tenney lived with her until they died [several years]. After that, on Benton St., near where your parents lived 40th St. [Place ?] when ELE was born. Then the apartment on Massachusetts Ave, where your Grandmother lived when she fled [and that's no exaggeration] Kansas.
THat bow is almost as infamous as my rabbit, as you will see if I ever get around to scanning those pictures.
These are all things I never knew. I don't think I even knew that my parents lived in Edgewater. My first recollections were of a bare apartment in New Orleans. Not even absolutely sure it was New Orleans - but it seems to me that apartment was close to all the New Orleans "action" of Bourbon Street!
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