"The porch to which you refer [I think] was on the second floor and was my "bedroom" during the summer and a very large refrigerator during the winter; it was screened and had awnings, but also had crank- out windows and ran almost half the width of the house ... the dog probably was mine; her name was Ginger, breed unknown but believed to be part German Shepard, part Dingo ... she didn't hate you, she just didn't like kids, especially those who tried to pull her ears and tail !!! She was not a friendly dog, but was very protective of her family ... she waited for my Dad at the front door at 1800 hrs every day and stayed there 'til he came home. I once ran into [actually was pushed] a street lamp post in junior high going to lunch at the drug store lunch counter/soda fountain a couple of blocks away and literally knocked myself out. Cops brought me home [one was Aunt Eva Press' brother ... they had to help me to the front door and when they opened the door, Ginger bit one of them; she thought they were trying to hurt me !!"
See, I told you how funny it was the things you remember from childhood! That house sure does look smaller than I remember.
My Grandpa must have smoked a pipe at some point in his life. When I think of him, I often can smell the sweet aroma of pipe tobacco - and peppermint? This must have been in the den to which Lee referred above.
He did occasionally smoke a pipe, his collection thereof ... maybe a dozen briar-type and tobacco bowl ... was kept on a shelf in the den ... GOOD MEMORY !
Funny seeing the back of the house. My dad would occasionally drive past the "house on 16th st." and comment on how somebody ruined something by adding or subtracting something that made it different than he remembered i.e. tree gone, flowers wrong, awnings that looked wrong, etc, etc.
Anyway, all I ever saw was the front usually at 2 mph from the car.
Nice to here the stories about the house that everyone has always so lovingly referred to for all these years.
Oh Todd, I wish for just one moment in time you could get inside my head and see what I see when I think of that house.
I guess that age does have it's advantages when it comes to family memories.
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