Not too sure about this photo except it was taken pre-1960 at the Concord Hotel in the Catskills.
This is all I could find on the Internet regarding that hotel. It must have been a favorite get-away for the Seligman clan as I have several photos with reference to this landmark.
"11-06-1998 Landmark Catskills Hotel Shuts Doors: The Concord Resort Will Be Auctioned Off, Marking End of an Era NEW YORK -- The Concord Resort Hotel, one of the premier Jewish getaways in the Catskills that for years served as a summer home to thousands of Jewish families and spawned a extraordinary culture of its own..." "Many decades ago, the Concord, in the community of Kiamesha Lake, about 90 miles northwest of New York, was the newest and swankiest place in the Catskills for weddings, bar mitzvahs and family reunions. It was part of the Borscht Belt, a group of resorts that catered to a mostly Jewish clientele, and for many years, it occupied a place in many hearts as a family vacation home.
Not only was there segregation of African-Americans in the South, but Jewish people were segregated to their own resorts and country clubs as well all around the United States.
It was late July or early August '57.
The folks went there occasionally with friends, but sometimes to Eaglesmere in PA. Actually, I think Dad would rather have spent most of this time at "Fallen Arches", but that really wasn't much of a vacation for Mother.
This was the only time I was there -I think there was a two-fold reason: Dad was concerned over all the weight I had lost [about 60#] Plebe Year, together with my hospitalization for ulcers, ... he had insisted we go to Miami with Eddie and Frieda Cohen over Xmas leave Plebe Year for that reason (the only time I remember he didn't have the famous Seligman Xmas Eve Party) & then the day after our return I wound up in Bethesda Naval Hospital for two or three weeks with a serious leg infection [plus Eddie had some serious info on a horse running at Hialeah ... that story and a related on about Jai Alai are a riot, but I'll save those for later] ...; and as a reward for getting thru Plebe Year after all the problems and the fact that -as a general rule- nice Jewish boys didn't; Dad and I played golf every day, sometimes 18 in the AM and another 18 in the PM, we ate -the Concord & it's main competitor Grossingers were famous for their food, not just the quality, but the quantity- I'm sure they played cards [I have no recall who went with us ... maybe "Uncle" John and "Aunt" Gladys Putzel], and I did other things which will go unmentioned here ... needless to say there were many wives and daughters from NY and the East Coast there and husbands were absent during the week ... I had a BALL !
Usually, they went to Miami for two weeks in the Winter and to "Fallen Arches" for two weeks in the Summer ... the exceptions being when I was at camp or when they took cruises [2] with Herman and Sylvia Schaffer, and this year.
That's way too much info ...
Not at all too much information. I want to know these things. It's all part of my history - my family - or should I say our history and our family!
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