This appears to be Lee at three years or maybe four years old - that would mean it was taken in the early 1940's.
Athena has her bun-bun. Mason has his woobie and bear. Lee had his.... um..... I'm not quite sure what that is, but I am sure it went everywhere with him.
Looks like it might be a rabbit. Another germ-infested child's security thing!
It WAS a rabbit ... a wed and white won, thank you very much!!! AND HE WAS NOT [particularly] GERM-INFESTED !! ... (;o} ... his name was "Ozwald" and why I remember this stuff is beyond me !
Ozwald? Whao, what a mouthful for such a wittle boy!
Looks like Cortni wins the prize as I had NO idea what the "thing" was.
Cortni says "germ-infested" only because the bun-bun that my granddaughter carries around with her (at 9 years old), IS most probably germ-infested. The "bear" that her son Mason carries around with him (at 5 years old) will be (if not already) germ-infested when he is 9 years old!
If only you would heed the advice of a prof of mine from Bullis ... "RTFP"... slightly modified to meet this issue ... "RTFC" !
Oswald -once again, if memory serves- a comic book and/or cartoon character ... I also had an stuffed elephant that Angie gave me ... maybe that was why i was aRepublican from about '48-'74 when that was an honorable thing to be !
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