First photo was Christmas 1961. Yes, I am aware that I look like I am on drugs or at least some heavy medication!
Of course, that's my father and mother in the back and Eric a
2nd photo was taken at Christmas time again on Verbena Street. The house in the background is that of my Grandma and Grandpa Seligman. What a beautiful home that was!
Lee was home that year on leave from the Navy and I think that is the year we celebrated not only Christmas, but Hanukkah as well. I loved celebrating Hanukkah - gifts for 8 days each better than the day before and wonderful food too (mazto ball soup - yummy Cortni!) - what else could a kid ask for?
I'm sure you are by now laughing out loud at the plaid and tweed coats - my "blue" glasses and the BAD hair cut (I think my mother must have trimmed my bangs) and look closely at the fur lined ear "flaps" on my brother's hat.
Anyway, we had driven all night from Louisiana to spend the holidays with both sets of grandparents. Imagine the surprise Eric and I had when we saw what seemed to be 10 feet of snow! We had never seen that much snow before. I can remember sledding - snowmen and snowball fights - damn Eric you threw that one too hard - it hurt!
The photos below were also taken Christmas - 1962 - OMG - it just dawned on me - that was 46 years ago!
Left to right:
Uncle Lee, Aunt Boddy, Eric, Uncle Selly. Lee gave me one of his hats and I used to wear it everywhere! He was my hero!
Below are Lee and "big sister" May (my mother). Such a happy holiday - at least that's the way I remember it.