No idea what year(s) these were taken - but according to the back of one photo, Auntie had two Spitz dogs that were MEAN!
My grandmother Seligman was the youngest child in the Tenney family and Auntie the oldest. I'm not sure I ever really knew that for sure before these photos started coming my way.
Anyhow, here are a couple of photos of Auntie above that appear to have been taken when she was in her twenties? Below is a note written by my mother to my brother Eric about this incredible woman. I realize that you don't exactly know who fits where in the family chain - neither do I really. I just know that I loved my Grandma and my Auntie very much and they loved us all too!

They say a person never dies so long as there is someone left to remember and carry on.
If you click on the note, you will be able to read every word my mother wrote about our Auntie
Crap...do I have to become a pack rat so that my kid's kids' kids' kids have something to remember me by? Who is THAT crazy looking woman?
Yep - you do. When I am gone, it will be your responsibility to keep this thing going and going and going!
You are the energizer bunny and that crazy woman will be YOU my love! And you deserve to be remembered!
Hopefully, there won't be any wartime ration books in the crap ... of course that also means no more rebubbacan idiots as residents or any of my fellow alumni who favor another 100 years of the same.
As much as I respect certain aspects of John McCain. I DO NOT want him as President ... I thoroughly agree with Phil Butler [Google it or check out Brave New Films].
Part of my former sister's note concerning Auntie is -as usual- either crap or partial truth, but not unexpected considering the source !
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