Imagine my elation when I received this photo in an email from Lee today! This photo was taken in the Spring of 1982. If I did the math correctly, that would have made Todd 12 years old and Mark 8 - at least I think. (After the original post) Obviously, if I would have read the caption more closely that my Uncle sent, I would have gotten this right - Todd is 11 and Mark is 7 in this photo - my bad!
What handsome boys.... Still boys to me and STILL handsome today!
Lee keep these childhood photos coming!

Close ... but Todd [11] & Mark [7] ... i.e., after Todd's 11th (8Jan.'71), but before Mark's 8th 112Oct.'74) birthdays
My bad - I have corrected. I should have known that! I was just 19 when Todd was born - that's the same year I came to DC and stayed with Grandma and Grandpa and then with you for more than a month. Damn that was a long time ago - but I remember as if it were yesterday.
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