For many years, I would travel in the summer from where ever we happened to be living at the time to Silver Spring, MD to visit my grandparents. The times I remember were when I was taken to the airport by my parents (or maybe just my mother), hand-delivered to a stewardess and then in turn hand-delivered to either my grandmother or grandfather Seligman. Yes, it was quite the adventure and yes - I got air sick too!
I have vivid memories of the prop planes (not a jet) and the stewardesses in their crisp blue uniforms. One of them was responsible for me for the entire trip. Before we would land, I would always get a pair of "wings" to pin on (or clip on) myself - they looked just like captain's wings!
This photo, I believe is of one such visit. The shorts I am wearing and the short sleeved shirt worn by Eric are more summer-like than the earlier photos of Christmas' gone past. Seems strange to me to see the both of us together as my recollections of these visits are of me only. My brother did not go very often for the summer. In fact, I suspect that this photo was probably the last year he did.
Don't you just love my hair cut and glasses? Ack! I was one ugly child! Guess that didn't matter though because Grandma and Grandpa would parade me around to their circle of friends as if I were a princess.
As I appear to be 8 or 9 in this photo, that would make the year either the summer of 1961 or 1962. Eric would have been 11 or 12. Look at him - with his summer buzz - he always took good photos - me NEVER! I think my brother did finally grow into those ears! Look closely - behind us on the table is a photo of my mother.
So...it's YOUR fault that I get motion sickness! Curse you...curse you!
Hey, Kiddo, this was Verbena St., NW, DC . Silver Spring came later [although the DC-Maryland line was the property line of the back yard.
Tried to add Google Maps Satellite reference to both this address and 16th, but won't accept these html tags, so I'll send them separately and hope y'all don't get air sick
Get over it Corts - if that's all you inherited from me... consider yourself fortunate. Oh yeah - and the left handed - youngest child thing - you like that one!
RE: "... Oh yeah - and the left handed - youngest child thing ..."
And what pray-tell is the problem with that ???
God only made a few perfect people, the rest he made right-handed.
If the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body and the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body, then only left-handed people are in their right minds !!! AND I HAVE TEE SHIRTS TO PROVE IT ! ... also bruises from teachers' rulers !!!
Cortni ... she would get sick looking a pictures of cars, boats and/or planes ... oh my !
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