To get the full effect of the photo and envision Great-Grandpa Tenney - you should read the comment posted by Lee. I can just see Lee trying to drink from a cup with a spoon in it - Grandma or Auntie telling him he was going to put his eye out and then one of them pouring the tea into a saucer to cool it off.

The back of this photo appears to have been removed from a scrapbook. I sure wish the date were on it.
Anyway, the photo is of Great-Grandma Tenney, Jean (Auntie's adopted daughter) and Great-Grandpa Tenney. I'm not sure if Jean was adopted as a baby or as a small child. I have only seen photos of her at about this age. She sure is a cutie though.
Most of the photos I have seen of Great-Grandpa Tenney he is is wearing a suit and a hat. I understand that he once had a haberdashery, but the business failed in the 1920's. I would say that during the depression, hats were the least of what people felt they needed to spend their money on.
The stamp on the back of the photo is from Peoples Drug Store. Lord - I have not heard that name for years and years! After a bit of research, I found that Peoples was one of the largest chain pharmacies in the Mid-Atlantic states boasting nearly 500 stores on the East Coast. In 1990 CVS purchased the chain, remodeled the stores but continued to use the Peoples name until 1994.
People's Drug in the DC/MD area offered Beef 'n Burgers, a sort of Manwhich (I guess you'd say). These sandwiches were delicious, hamburger with a slight beef sauce. My kids might remember what they called "loose meats". Not a sloppy joe because there was not sauce.
The employee behind the bar was called a "soda jerk" - no, not because he was weird - The term refers to the motion required to operate the soda water dispenser - the white handle on our right of the Soda Jerk. It was used on virtually any drink that wasn't coming out of a bottle, like an ice cream soda or a lemon phosphate.
The photos below depict the inside of the store in the Washington DC are in the early 20's.
The bottom photo is from a national photo collection which contends that the "ghost people" frequented this pharmacy - what do you think. Can you see anyone in the reflection of the mirror?
1 comment:
Grandpa Tenney was tall ... especially to a little boy ... and, insofar as the straw hat and suit [always with a vest] is concerned, I never ever remember seeing him without at least the vest, starched white shirt, and tie ... and pants, too. I can remember dinners at Auntie's apartment on Park Road ... big round table, Gracie [her maid ... always told me dessert was ice cream and cake, although it rarely was ... (;o{ ] ... everyone -except my Dad- drank tea ... Grandpa from a mustache cup with a spoon in it as he drank [whenever I tried, they told me I'd put my eye out !] ... Grandma Tenney would pour my tea into a saucer to cool it and I drank it from that.
Jean looks probably about 5 or six in the picture, so maybe around '24-'26
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